Ultimate Guide About What Low Birth Weight Causes And Its Treatment

Maternal malnutrition, poor healthcare during pregnancy, and ill health are all the low birth weight causes. Learn more about low-weight complications, symptoms, and treatment.

Nov 29, 2023

Low birth weight means the babies are born weighing less than 5 pounds and 8 ounces. It means they weigh just 2,500 grams. The average weight of a newborn baby is 8 pounds. 1 in 12 babies are born with this issue. 20% of babies are born with a low birth weight rate globally, and more than 40% of newborns in India have this condition. The major low birth weight causes are premature birth, infections, Intrauterine growth restriction, and much more.

You cannot avoid this issue with newborns altogether, but getting pregnancy care in Ahmedabad will help you with timely supervision and delivery.

What are Low Birth Weight Causes?

  • Premature Birth

It is also known as Preterm birth. Premature birth occurs when your baby is born prematurely before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Your baby has not grown fully and gained enough weight in your uterus. 
According to WHO reports, there are more than 13.4 million babies born prematurely. 1 in 10 babies is born prematurely, and a few die before they attain the age of 5 years.

  • Intrauterine Growth Restriction

IUGR, or Fetal Growth Restriction, means that the fetus did not attain full growth and develop properly when in the womb. The issues with a mother’s placenta are placenta previa, placenta accreta, retained placenta, and placental insufficiency. 

These conditions also contribute to the IUGR condition. Experts recommend taking due care or seeing your gynecologist to avoid these complications of low birth weight. If you suspect any issues, contact the reputed gynecological care center for the best advice from professional gynecologists. 

  • Other Causes of Low Birth Weight

If the mother is carrying multiple babies, like twins or three babies, then space inside the uterus gets cramped quickly. Genetic abnormality also causes low birth weight because if you or your partner were small as a baby, the same can happen to your baby. 

Chromosomal abnormalities and heart defects also contribute to this condition. Most babies face low weight problems because the mother faces some chronic issues during pregnancy, minor ailments during pregnancy, diseases, using drugs and alcohol, not maintaining the right weight during pregnancy, etc. 

Symptoms of Low Birth Weight

  • One of the major low birth weight symptoms is the thin appearance of the baby with little body hair and fat.
  • Poor muscular body
  • Scaly and dry skin with a possibility of ‘meconium’ stains
  • Less response to the outside environment
  • No or less urination during the first hours of being born
  • Has trouble during feeding or keeping warm

Complications with Low Birth Weight Baby

Some of the major low birth weight complications newborn babies develop can lead to critical issues in later life. These babies face problems during eating, fighting infection, staying warm, or gaining weight. Other complications include:

  • Breathing problem
  • Risk of developing infections as their immune system is under development.
  • Low birth weight babies or premature babies often encounter retina and hearing problems.
  • Jaundice
  • Delayed motor development leads to problems with hand-eye coordination.
  • Develops health conditions such as obesity, heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • Learning differences in class
  • Respiratory Distress Syndrome, and much more

Treatment of Low Birth Weight Babies

The care of low birth weight babies is necessary when they are born. It will help newborn babies attain normal weight when they reach their due date, even if they are born premature. They will fully develop like the normal weight babies. Here’s how doctors give low birth weight treatment for premature babies.

1. Giving Gavage Feeding

The small tube is placed via the mouth into the newborn’s stomach to feed them with essential vitamins, nutrients, fluids, and minerals. The IV fluid is administered to babies to help them grow and develop like normal babies.

2. Providing Supplemental Oxygen

Newborn babies with immature lungs require supplemental oxygen. Some babies need surfactant, which is like a protein that helps the air sacs of the premature babies’ lungs from collapsing.

3. Keep the Baby in NICU

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a place where preterm babies are kept. NICU is a ‘temperature-controlled incubator’ where the IV line provides special baby feeding. If the babies are premature without any complications, they will grow and develop as normal babies. Nurses and doctors in the NICU will closely monitor the baby’s fluid intake to help them stay hydrated.

4. Give Light Therapy

Experts give light therapy to babies who have jaundice at birth. They are placed under special lamps. It helps babies to excrete bilirubin. If light therapy does not work, other treatments include antibodies, IV injections, and blood exchange transfusions.

5. Removal of Fluids from the Brain

Experts treat the excessive bleeding in the newborn’s brain by removing all the excess fluid with the help of a small tube. After the treatment, the baby must be kept warm, vitamin supplements must be given, and the mother must make skin-to-skin contact with the baby. 

How to Prevent Low Birth Weight Babies and Care for Them?

Most mothers must try to prevent preterm labor if possible. A healthy diet is the key to gaining the necessary weight to help your baby grow and develop. Expectant mothers must avoid drinking alcohol or substance abuse. Your prenatal visits must be regular, which will help with your baby’s growth.

Also, low birth weight baby care is necessary to prevent any problem or disease later in life. Infants must be given essential nutrients as babies to avoid problems when they become adults. Early intervention and care will prevent infections and deadly diseases in your newborn.

Visit the Reputed Maternity Hospital for Low Birth Weight Conditions!

The low birth weight causes can be many, but the mothers must take care of their babies and visit a good and reputed maternity hospital. It will help the mothers to get the best care pre- and post-natal after their baby is born. Jigisha Speciality Hospital uses the best equipment and modern machinery to provide special maternity care. 

Contact our experts to book your prenatal appointment at +91-94086-54800.